
The best part was being with 21 people dedicated to similar things as I am. You both created a great container—it brought out the best.
— R
I loved the time by myself swinging in my hammock by the bend in the creek and encountering a moose there.
— M

The most satisfying aspect of the weekend, for me, was the time alone on the land. It is what I love – to be out in nature with time for reflection and writing – and it aligns with my personal
spiritual practices. The facilitation was an excellent blend of large group, small group, and alone time. I especially appreciated the long stretches of time out on the land.
— K
I am exploring my ignorance of nature and looking to enhance my openness to what needs I can address with others for our planet. I also dream of being able to communicate more clearly the deep feelings I have for experience in the natural world, especially to my grandchildren to help encourage their curiosity and care for others and our incredible home planet and universe.
— D

The solo times brought me into deep contact with nature’s soul mirrors …the subject of Death, brought some powerful moments. It was good to hear people voice their fears and concerns around end-of-life issues. This aspect of elderhood could be a whole council in itself!
— J
The retreat encouraged me to go into this next chapter of my life with a vision. The vision is not fully formulated yet, but I am working on it and that is part of the path.
— E
Maybe my favorite moments were the drumming and dancing towards the end.
— C