I believe in the interdependence of all things. I am one tiny yet significant being on this planet Earth, circling in a cosmos empowered by fire and embedded in relationship. My home, this sentient land is a kaleidoscopic expression of a dynamic and changing beauty, an inter-weaving of Spirit and matter that has lived, and moved and had its being through the ages, experienced by us humans through traditional ancestral wisdom and wild indigenous ways.
For my remaining days on Earth, I am committed to move in loving kindness and unique ways of community-belonging, as an ElderSoul, offering my voice and embodied essence as one flame of this original sacred fire. Through building and nurturing circles of relationship that welcome the deep Mystery of soulful connection with All that is, I seek to serve both the human and other-than-human communities in our journey together towards wholeness and the healing of our land and peoples.
I give my heart and energy to this.
Carol Kortsch MA was born and raised in Africa, educated in Canada, and worked internationally for 20 years establishing intentional, live-in rehabilitation, counseling, and training communities before moving to Radnor, PA.
As a psychotherapist and group facilitator she worked, traveled, and wrote from Stonehaven Commons for another 25 years. She is a retreat facilitator trained by the Center for Courage & Renewal (Parker J Palmer) and part of the Wild Mind Training program of Animas Valley Institute (Bill Plotkin). She loves to write and is a passionate gardener.
Recently moved to Silver Sage Co-Housing Village in Boulder Colorado, she seeks to network within the deeper Earth community, dig her roots into mountain land, and offer nature-based retreats from her wilderness soul. As a life adventurer and Earth listener, she recognizes our essential and critical human need to stop, slow down, and listen to our lives and all our relations speak.