Mycelial Web
We are shadow underground.
Corrupting matter we have found
Eating the bodies that have gone before
Digested beauty. Slimy gore.
Some who notice, stop, and smell.
Some run from the dark and fearfully yell.
Others wonder and hold their breath.
What is happening to our communal health?
Waiting and watching in these tunnels of dark unknown
Can you feel Earth birthing as Mother cells expand and groan?
For most of humans it makes little sense.
Channels of Spirit dug by invisible threads
Is not something our culture understands in our heads.
After sorting the refuse from our brain’s forest floor
We can welcome the Spirit of matter who knocks at the door.
Who can imagine that the chaotic inferno roiling above
Is needed to evoke alchemical Love?
As frail tinder of ash floats in our air
please note how it becomes an elemental prayer.
A symphony of cells, our Song re-aligned
A webbed mine of treasure for our grandchildren’s time.
Really, nothing has changed how centuries march on
Decomposing constructs of what we think best.
We are leaving behind one more beautiful mess.
Maybe today we can penetrate the space between good and bad.
Allow death energy to explode from our greening wood.
Sparks of hope dance as a new generation arises from out of our fears.
Carol Kortsch
9/16/2020 Meeting in the Field